Girls (and guys) know. Dating sucks. There are losers slinking out of every hidden corner, just waiting to buy you a drink before they let their freak flag fly proudly. These are my adventures in both traditional and on-line dating. Pull up a chair, laugh till you pee, and live vicariously through my loser-filled adventures. And please note...this blog is rated R for language and sexual content.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Lord

"I-I-I-I-I-Iiiiii'm a saaaaaa-lesman for a lo, lo, local technical c-c-c-c-ompany, like that.  I have a, a, a, a, a, nephew, like that.  He's four, like that.  I'dddddd li-li-like kids some d-d-d-daaaaaay, like that."

Date night...with a stutterer who also has a weird verbal tick. 

Seriously?  Do I even have to type the whole experience out?  You get it, right?  One of the hardest first (and only) dates I have ever been on. 


  1. Aahaha! I can just imagine!

    ...bad me. Shouldn't laugh at the poor guy.
    (How can he be a salesman with that?)

    Hoping he will find a nice girl who doesn't mind. He's got it so much worse than the rest of us.

  2. OMG, poor guy, poor you! I hope it was just coffee. :-)
