Girls (and guys) know. Dating sucks. There are losers slinking out of every hidden corner, just waiting to buy you a drink before they let their freak flag fly proudly. These are my adventures in both traditional and on-line dating. Pull up a chair, laugh till you pee, and live vicariously through my loser-filled adventures. And please note...this blog is rated R for language and sexual content.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Can we just date via text message?

It always amazes me how incredibly wrong I can be about someone.  Take Friday's date for instance.  This guy was everything I wanted on paper - tall, intelligent, funny, athletic, gentlemanly and good looking...a country boy from South Carolina, recently transplanted in my town for work.  Our texting relationship was filled with funny antidotes that would made me giggle and yearn for more. 

And, then I met him.

I received a follow up email on Sunday afternoon. He wanted to let me know that he had a lot of fun (HUH?) and asked me if I'd like to go on another date this Friday (WHAT?!). 

My firm, no-nonsense reply - something I'm getting quite good at - and some insight on what happened to turn me off to this person so completely:

I'm actually kind of surprised to hear from you.

I'm going to be honest, because I feel like you deserve that. I was really looking forward to meeting you. You seemed like a really nice, intelligent and fun guy. I was disappointed in the 'date.' I guess I expected that for a couple of hours I would have your attention so we could get to know each other. You didn't offer much up, was drunk before I even go there, and I felt like I was talking to myself because you were constantly playing with your phone and destroying the table.

I thought it was weird that 3 of your buddies came out...but even weirder yet when I came back from  dropping my food off at my car and using the bathroom that everyone had a drink and you failed to order one for me. It was nice that everyone who showed up was nice and included me in the conversation, because you payed absolutely no attention to me otherwise. The deal breaker was when you very loudly said 'whoa...nice boobs' when another girl walked out if the bathroom in front of us, so you obviously didn't take the date too seriously.

I thank you for dinner, but I don't think we would make a good match.
(Insert a heavy dose of sarcasm.) Doesn't that date sound absolutely amazing?!  Can I just explain that I was so excited about this date that I got home from work, showered and changed outfits about 20 times?  I wanted to make a great first impression.  Silly Miz Adventures!    
He responded by apologizing for being a prick.  (His word, not mine, although it does fit nicely.)  
No, I realize I was a prick. I really am sorry about that. To be honest, we're probably just at two different places. I have a lot of growing up to do and it's been a slow process.  Again, I'm sorry and I do want you to know that I think you're a really smart, funny and attractive young lady.  Someone will be very lucky to snag you as their own.
Do I feel bad after a lovely and well deserved apology?  No.  He was a total prick from the get-go.  A complete 180 from the person I was getting to know via text/email, whom I really, really liked.  It's a shame really because you wonder what the true personality is.  


  1. i loved how you were so honest and upfront. most girls would have either gone out again to give him a second chance or be eternally busy or ignore his messages if they didn't want to see him again. maybe he will learn from this and not behave this way on his next date with someone else.

  2. Wow, that sounds like a miserable date! But then his apology sounded like respectable human being. Not only does he have some growing up to do, but I think he also needs to see a shrink to make sure he's not schitzo :)I agree with Jo though, props to you for being so upfront.
