Girls (and guys) know. Dating sucks. There are losers slinking out of every hidden corner, just waiting to buy you a drink before they let their freak flag fly proudly. These are my adventures in both traditional and on-line dating. Pull up a chair, laugh till you pee, and live vicariously through my loser-filled adventures. And please note...this blog is rated R for language and sexual content.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The 8 month blow off

I started my quest for love via internet dating (laugh along with me, please!) in March 2011.  On my first day on line, this guy started chatting with me.  The conversation wasn't deep, it wasn't sexual - it just...was.  Although I like to keep my profile somewhat vague, his was even more vague.  No useful information what-so-ever.  He doesn't live anywhere near my town, but travels in for work a couple times a month.  That immediately sent a red flag up, and thus began the 8-month excuse parade.

It almost became a game.

On Monday morning, he'd message me and ask me if I wanted to get dinner.  A couple of hours later I would reply with one of my planned excuses:

1-3. Work event and/or working late/early morning
4. Family dinner/party
5. Previous plans with friends
6. Car problems
7. Sick pets
8. Board Meeting
9. Upset stomach
10. Dating someone (such a lie, but it works!)
11. The President will be on TV
12. Yoga/Gym time
13. Someones coming over to fix my insert item here
14. The weather is supposed to be bad
15. I didn't shower today

And even with that ridiculousness, he still continued to contact me.  For 8 months he took the rejection like a man and it didn't phase him.  How could I be such a bitch when all he wanted was to sit down and have a beer?  So, I finally agreed.

Then, I got really nervous.  I made this guy wait 8 months for a fucking meeting!!!  For 8 months he put me on a pedestal and now *he* would be the one judging *me* and my personality!  What if I made him wait that long and I didn't live up to his standards?  What a waste of time on his part...for some reason, thinking that I was the cause of making someone waste time really got to me.  All I could do was be myself.  Novel thinking, eh?

And it was great.

Hmmmmmm...what was that Miz Adventures?

I said the date was great.  God damn it!

I got to the bar a little early, started a tab and ordered a Guinness.  About two minutes after my drink arrived, I felt a hand on my shoulder.  I turned around slowly and there he stood - like a prince off his stallion.  It was one of those rare times when I was pleasantly surprised that the guy was actually much better looking than his picture would indicate.  When he sat down, I really got to take a good look at him.  Strong jaw, nice eyes, really nice mouth, wide shoulders, thick arms...probably about 6'1''.  He wore a baseball cap that I assumed was hiding a bit of a receding hairline (and I was right - but not anything that made me gasp).  He also dressed well, smelled nice and had on new shoes.

He made me belly laugh and provided simple gestures that made me smile, like when he asked to look at my ring then held my hand for a second longer than I expected.  Throughout the conversation, we physically grew closer and closer until our legs touched and our body language provided just enough of a barrier to keep the bartender and other bar patrons away.  He told me that he knew he had to meet me when I said "it's a shit show" describing a part of our town. 

At the end of the night he walked me to my car. 

I can't believe that I was so stubborn about meeting him, but really - a 2 hour drive is a long distance.  I asked him when he would be in the area again and it won't be until after Thanksgiving.  I'm disappointed...but I can't act like it because I'm trying to just be cool and go with the flow.  He's a great guy, and totally my type.  For the time being, we have a standing date for whenever he's in town next. 

I'm going to try to remain realistic and treat this whole thing with caution because he did truly have a great time with him. 


  1. Wow, so cool! So, not to burst your bubble, but is he really, truly single? 2 hours doesn't seem like that much of a drive to me.... Hope you get to see him soon! :-)

  2. I'm beginning to wonder more and more, Singlicious. I didn't hear from him for days - but did this morning. It's probably hard to check your online dating profile when your wife is standing over your shoulder. :/

  3. Yeah.... :-/ He contacts you on Mondays, huh, not weekends...?

  4. That is correct. And, that's still the same mode now, coming up on a month later. I asked him point-blank if he was married and/or together with someone and he denied it, so who knows. He's currently having knee surgery so I probably won't see him again for a while, if ever.
