Over a year ago, I answered an ad on creepy Craigslist and met a guy that I saw a couple of times. He was nice enough, but it didn't take long to find out that he was a child trapped in a man's body. Our first couple of dates involved him being on his best behavior, and then he invited me to his place for dinner.
He served up a tasty meal, I have to admit. It was some kind of chicken stir fry with lots of fresh vegetables.
Afterwards, we retreated to his room.
That's where he lit up a joint and started playing Call of Duty...with a bunch of 8th graders, on line. I'm a bit of a cusser myself, but got super uncomfortable when he started to tell his teammates and opponents that he was going to fuck their mother's in the ass. You know, while I'm sitting there stunned. I pretty much excused myself and left him to play his game.
I was upset with the drug use...but honestly, I was more upset that he thought that I would *enjoy* sitting there watching him play a stupid video game. I told him that I didn't think we had much in common and he quietly went away into the great dating abyss.
Fast forward to this past week. Apparently, he still has my number. I got an out of the blue text from him and of course, I had no idea who it was. So, I asked - and naturally, he didn't take that kindly. He started send me insults masked with little emotion cons, then got upset if I ignored him. I told him flat out that I was not interested and to please take his time elsewhere.
So - he did. On the dating site I use.
Imagine my surprise (not) when he found me there.
I fibbed and told him that I was seeing someone, in hopes that he would just go away. Now, this is true and not - I am talking to a couple of people that I am finding interest in and would like to pursue. He took issue that I am still online and haven't moved offline to chat it up with these people.
(Text is copied and pasted, so don't make fun of me for the misspellings and grammar errors...btw, I didn't respond to any of these emails - but the running commentary he provides makes me wonder what kind of conversation *he thinks* we were having!)
"Fort a girl that claims you are seeing someone or interested in someone you are on here an aweful lot....rather odd and shady for you to be doing so when you SAY you are seeing someone? Underminded."
"LMFAO....perhaps you are keeping your options open and are a shady shitlike most women who claim not? hahaha...That's what cell phones are for....it's ok....you needn't explain anything to me for sure....I just
think it's comedy that you do so still....goes to show that you women are sneaky and shady if not more so
then men...I think its hilarious!"
"LMFAO! Cloak yourself all you desire....I will ALWAYS see through your so-called masked charade!
hahahaha... Peace out!"
"Yeah...sucks when someone calls you out on your bullshithuh? LMFAO! Don't hate me for seeing your shady ass douchbag ways......NOT my fault for you being a grimey cunt...it happens...I just think its absolutely comedy that you try and weasel your way out of it when I called you out...but it's all good....I think you'rejust pissed that you can't hide it from everyone....but good for you that you found a stupid ass gulable guy that will out up with it.....you go girl! LMFAO!"
My eyes hurt. I finally blocked his fucking ass...but I gotta admit, I was enjoying watching the massive implosion.