Girls (and guys) know. Dating sucks. There are losers slinking out of every hidden corner, just waiting to buy you a drink before they let their freak flag fly proudly. These are my adventures in both traditional and on-line dating. Pull up a chair, laugh till you pee, and live vicariously through my loser-filled adventures. And please note...this blog is rated R for language and sexual content.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Deception uncovered?

The guy: 5'10'', dark hair, good looking, 33 years old, dog owner (breed specific), Football fan (team specific), educated, State employee who newly relocated to the area a few months ago, spicy food lover, relationship minded, single with no children.

In other words...perfect for me, on paper.  

We chatted for about a week before I finally said "Screw this!  I'm giving you my phone number.  Text me sometime."

He did.  We chatted all night.

The thing about getting a phone number, or email address is that if you have a smart phone, and a facebook account, you will then get a lovely email saying who your phone thinks you should be friends with.  This has worked well for me in the past when I came upon 'The Tinkler,' and it has laid down a ton of confusion for me right now. 

You see, the man that my phone thinks I should be friends with is married.  

There are way too many coincidences for me to think anything but negatively about this.  Same first name, same last name first initial, same dog (different name - facebook guy named his "Snoopy" and POF guy said his was named "Spoons"), same football team, same location of hometown. I had my favorite married couple compare the photos and they both agreed that it was probably the same guy...the facebook guy being 10 years older than the POF photos.  

I feel had. 

My sister thinks that I should continue talking to him and agree to meet with his this coming week (as we've been planning) and if he isn't how he's publicized himself she gives me permission to dump a glass of ice water in his lap.  I have to admit, I kind of like that idea, even if it's not really me.

What I decided to do is ask him.  Novel idea, eh?  Being upfront and honest?!

I texted him this morning.  I explained what I had found and he replied...stunned.  He said he didn't know what to say, but he is not that guy and he is not married.  I don't know what to believe, and I am beyond confused at this point.  My bullshit meter isn't going off like it should!  

He asked if he could call me tonight so we could talk and possibly set up a date for this week because he wants to take me to dinner.  I told him he could.

What are the chances that this guy, who is so perfect for me on paper, is actually the real deal?  What are the chances that this whole facebook thing is actually a really weird snafu?  What are the chances that I'm just a complete moron and I'm being played by the king of all playas? 

Also...I have to say - facebook is freakin awesome as a free PI.


  1. What kind of dog name is Spoons?

    Can he really be the right person with such lame naming ability?

    Okay, so the only way to decide is to meet him.

    * skeptical *

  2. Haha! I know. It's terrible. I would think that if he was married facebook guy, he wouldn't want to meet especially when confronted. He may be 100% delusional. I think I may bring backup, just in case.

  3. Wow! I would say meet him, definitely in a public place, maybe with back-up (or a friend standing by). It is possible technology failed in this case--you'll never know until you meet him!

    Also, this PI stuff is good to know! I don't have an iPhone, and my BlackBerry doesn't do this. I do sometimes give my cell phone number to a guy online but I don't want him finding me on Facebook--and therefore knowing my full name and where I work--before I trust him. Going to log onto Facebook now and delete my cell number (even though visibility is set to "only me").
