Girls (and guys) know. Dating sucks. There are losers slinking out of every hidden corner, just waiting to buy you a drink before they let their freak flag fly proudly. These are my adventures in both traditional and on-line dating. Pull up a chair, laugh till you pee, and live vicariously through my loser-filled adventures. And please note...this blog is rated R for language and sexual content.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An officer and a...gentleman?

Two weeks ago I started fielding messages from a guy who not only didn't have a picture, but also didn't have much to say on his profile.  When those faced with those two none-specific things, I mentally ignore.  He kept coming at me unrelentlessly until one day he enclosed a picture of himself along with "now that you see me, can you please let me take you out on a date?" 

Fact of the matter was...he was cute.  Very cute in fact.  I did reply with an apology for not sending a reply and seeming like a snob - but as a rule of thumb I don't interact with those I can not "see," and therefore, since he sent me his picture, we could now converse.  LOL.  We did.  It was fun.  He ended up being a really nice guy. 

He asked me out to dinner on a Friday and I suggested drinks instead.  I'm not sure why, because I like to eat!  I think that in the back of my head I thought that he may be too good to be true.  Funny, isn't it?  I didn't even meet him yet and I was already stacking the cards against him.  What I need to realize is that a girl's instincts are never wrong.  Never.  But, more on that later.

Our date was fun.  We sat in a booth and talked for hours.  He's a military guy which makes him very serious and it became my mission to try to get him to crack a smile.  I succeeded!  A couple of times!  I know that I am a good flirt, especially when it comes to situations that are one-on-one, but I was really feeling an instant attraction to this guy.  He kept touching my hand on top of the table and played with the ring on my finger.  And, you know what?  It felt GOOD.  There was no subconscious comparison going on.  My phone was buried in my purse, on silent and I didn't even check it once!  Even when he went to the bathroom and left me at our booth alone!  I seriously didn't want the date to end, but like every bar in this town, they called "last call" as soon as we really started to talk about the deep stuff. 

He walked me to my car.  We kissed.  He invited me over to his jeep and we talked a little bit more then made out a lot!  I *almost* invited him over that night, but was a good girl.  LOL

On the way home, he texted.
As I crawled into bed, he texted.
When I woke up in the morning, he texted.
All weekend long, we were texting.  He told me that he felt a really strong connection with me and that he was excited to what the future would hold.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I would wake up to a text at 4am (the start of his workday).

On Wednesday I asked him if he wanted to grab a bite to eat.  We did.  And followed the meal up with a couple of cocktails.  I threw caution to the wind and invited him over and I let biology take over.  There was (good) sex, snuggling, kissing at the door on my stoop and a date planned for the next Friday - two days away, to go to the drive-in for a three movie marathon the last weekend they were opened. 

And, then I didn't hear from him. 

So, basically...I gave it up too quickly.  He obviously got what he was after.   

Friday afternoon he texted me and told me that he was sick.  I asked him what was wrong and didn't get a response.  That's considered a stand up, in my humble opinion.  I didn't hear from him again until Sunday night, when he revealed that he had strep throat.  It's really hard not to feel sorry for someone who has strep because that is one nasty sickness.  I was concerned for him and tried to convey that - but really in the back of mind I was thinking "Dude.  Strep throat doesn't stop your fingers from texting!"  Am I wrong to admit that I was angry and disappointed that he didn't even contact me?  Am I wrong to admit that I started questioning myself as a woman with feelings because this seemingly happened after we fucked?  You don't fuck a girl, then not call her and think that feelings won't be destroyed, regardless if you were sick or not, unless you're a total asshole, right?!

This guy went from sweetness to fucktard in a couple of days. 

Instincts...I'm listening to you from now on because honestly, my heart just can't take it anymore.

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